After becoming a resident of the nation, individuals who wish to acquire a New Zealand passport may do so. Only those children born abroad to New Zealand citizens, or foreigners who are willing to invest in the country’s economy are eligible to access this facility. The country doesn’t allow the spouse of legal residents to obtain citizenship anymore. You may read more about applying for citizenship step-by-step on this page.

Step-by-step guide

When you seek New Zealand nationality, follow these steps.

  1. Learn about the various forms of citizenship 

New Zealand citizenship comes in three different categories. Your circumstances will determine the type you can obtain.

Citizenship through birth 

You can only be a resident if at least one of your parents was a native of New Zealand at the time of your birth. Or, they had a passport that permitted them to stay there permanently. 

Citizenship based on ancestry 

If you were born outside of New Zealand and had at least one parent who was a national by blood, you might be qualified for citizen status by inheritance.

Citizenship by grant

If your parents were not New Zealand nationals or legal inhabitants when you were born, you may be qualified for nationality by a grant. If you were birthed in the country on or after January 1, 2006, then you may also apply for nationality.

  1. Check if you meet the requirements 

If you want to know if you qualify for nationality, use the self-check form. You must be aware of your passport number as well as the nationality of your parents at the time of your birth. 

  1. Prepare the documents 

You must submit identification papers when you file for New Zealand nationality by grant, including: 

  • Your birth registration or birth record.
  • Your travel documents or another travel document. 

You could need to produce more documentation, based on your circumstances. A testimony or identification referee is also required to verify your request.

Identity referee

An identification referee is necessary. This is a person who can attest to your identity. All of your referee’s personal information must be provided. An identification referee must be:

  • Older than 16;
  • Recognize that they may be notified to validate information on your file;
  • Do not share a residence with you; and
  • Are not related to you or a member of your immediate family.
  1. Pay the charges

Grant applications for nationality cost $470.20 for adults over 16 and $235.10 for those under the age of 15.

  1. Wait for approval

The time it takes to learn whether your application was accepted ranges from 3 to 14 months. The Passport Office will duplicate and mail your original papers back to you within four to six weeks if you submitted your application via mail. 

The Immigration Office will inform you of the status of your request about 3 to 14 months after you submit it. A case worker will get in touch with you if there are any issues with your request.

  1. Get citizenship 

You could be required to attend a naturalization ceremony if your passport application has been granted. If you are under 13 years old or have a cognitive disability and cannot grasp the oath of loyalty, you are not required to attend a ceremony.

  1. Apply for the passport

You can register for a passport after receiving your nationality credential, either in person at a naturalization ceremony or via mail service. This is an independent process. 

Verify the validity of your current passport or other travel authorization while your request for citizenship is being processed. In the event of an urgent trip, you might need to update it if it’s set to expire within the upcoming year.