Embassy of the Republic of Peru in the Kingdom of Spain

The Republic of Peru embassy in Spain is located in the center of Madrid. The Embassy's working hours are from 10.00 to 14.00 by local time.

Address of the embassy

Location of embassyThe Republic of Peru embassy in Spain is located at Calle de Zurbano, 70, Madrid. The Embassy's postal code is 28010.

Contact details

Tel.: (+34) 91 431 42 42
Fax: (+34) 91 577 68 61
The official website:


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary posted to Spain at the Republic of Peru embassy is His Excellency (H.E.) Mr. José Antonio García Belaunde

During her career Mr. José Antonio García Belaunde has served in various capacities, among them:

  • Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (2006–2011);
  • Ambassador of Peru to the Latin American Free Trade Association;
  • Minister at the Embassy of Peru in the United States of America (1985–1986);
  • Counsellor of Minister of the Embassy of Peru in Ecuador (1984 and 1985);
  • Counsellor of Minister, at the Embassy of Peru in Spain (1982–1984);
  • First Secretary, Embassy of Peru in Mexico (1978–1979);
  • First Secretary, Embassy of Peru in France (1976–1978);
  • Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Peru to the United Nations (1973–1976)

He earned a Post Graduate Diploma in Foreign Policy from the University of Oxford, and also attended the Diplomatic Academy of Peru, graduating with a BA in International Relations.

Pictures of the embassy

Peru embassy Official coat of arms Peru embassy Main Building

About the embassy

Peruvian Embassy in Madrid runs an inclusive range of consular services to local, Peruvian, and international citizens in Spain.

The Peruvian Embassy in Madrid can help Spanish citizens through its consular services, if they:

  • Need basic or specific information about Peruvian economy, culture, sports, education and more;
  • Need info regarding requirements and process of getting Peruvian Citizenship;
  • Specific contacts and information in Peru;
  • Want to apply and obtain Peruvian Visa.